Two weeks lapse
It has been two weeks since I last blogged about my school attachement. Well, here is probably the last but one installment as the attachement ends next week.
Over the last two weeks, little has happened. The chinese new year break robbed the students of one full Monday of lessons. After the CNY break, 3E5&6 continued with their presentation but I heard some problem from Check Siew with them. It appears that a few groups were presented highly irrelevant stuff on their PPT. CS and I concluded that while the strategy worked very well with 3E4, the 3E5&6 group needed more scaffolding that what was given. This is a good learning point on differentiated instruction.
For 3E2, I tried something interested, I showed them a video on coniferous forests and then asked the class to list down some characteristics and adaptations of the trees in a TCF. I then asked them to create a piece of artisitc work based on what they have seen and listed and to present them yesterday (1 March) to the class. Here are some nice pieces of poetry they have written and some very nice cartoons.

As for 2N1, I finished off the topic on agriculture with a short passage about an Indain lady worker on a rubber plantation. The passage was an excerpt of an interview. I was naughty enough to assume a south indian accent when reading the passage and the class was just a little more lively then I had expected. This was good.
Yesterday, we also started another field based project on using PDA and the G-portal. The investigation is called: Finding a cool spot in ZHSS. Let's see how it works out next Monday.
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